Discover a new you.

Disgize is a revolutionary communication platform that will include
secure video conferencing and voice communication services. Disgize
uses artificial intelligence and encryption protocols to offer users a
unique and safe tool that enhances privacy and maximises security.

Sign up early to join our community.

Disgize is developed by Inverzio and will launch in 2022. Secure your spot now.


How it will work


Download the app or enter a web browser

Download the app from Google Play or App Store or open in a web browser.


Select your username and create an account free and easy.

Set up your virtual identity

You will be asked to record a selfie video of yourself, answering some simple questions. Disgize will apply machine learning algorithms combined with specialised spatial face algorithms and will give you different options of your altered but realistic face and voice to select from. 

Use your new identity

Every time you communicate through Disgize, artificial intelligence will be used to analyse and apply your selected transformations on your face and voice in real time.

Become a verified user

Becoming a verified user is optional. Verified users are required to pay a subscription and to go through a quick ID verification process. Data will not be disclosed but this will ensure that a person is legally authorised to a conversation when needed.

© Disgize 2021